Me Time (2023)

Mark Wahlberg and Kevin Hart team up in this coming of adulthood comedy set in Los Angeles. This is the fifth time Mark and Mike Gunther have team up to bring action comedy to the screen. During pre-production, the team worked tirelessly to mix everyday life with the...

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024)

“Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire,” the latest installment in the beloved franchise, takes the iconic team to new heights—literally! Set against the backdrop of a frost-covered metropolis besieged by supernatural forces, the film’s stunt action sequences...

Twisters (2024)

“Twisters,” the highly anticipated sequel to the iconic 1996 film “Twister,” delivers jaw-dropping action sequences that push the boundaries of natural disaster filmmaking. With cutting-edge technology and a top-notch stunt team, the film...

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley (2024)

“Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley” revitalizes the beloved action-comedy franchise with dazzling stunt sequences that underscore the film’s thrilling dynamic. Eddie Murphy reprises his role as the street-smart Detective Axel Foley, who once again finds...

Dungeons & Dragons (2023)

The much-anticipated “Dungeons & Dragons” movie brings the legendary tabletop game to life on the big screen, packing it with immersive big screen action that enthralls fans old and new. Set in a mythical realm filled with dragons, magic, and uncharted...