“The Lost City,” known for its exciting blend of comedy and action, has taken movie stunt work to new heights. The movie features Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum traversing treacherous jungles, navigating dangerous terrains, and escaping ambushes, all while maintaining an infectious rhythm of humor and thrill.

2nd Unit Director and stunt coordinator Mike Gunther spared no effort in creating adrenaline-pumping sequences. Creating one the film’s most iconic fight sequences with Brad Pitt at 5150 Action Production Headquarters in Los Angeles; and transferring it to the Dominican Republic. Each stunt is executed with precision and with Brad only on set for two days, Gunther, shooting 2nd Unit alongside Brad brought the scene to life. A true standout moment in the film.

The film relying heavily on practical effects and carefully planned sequences to ensure the actors’ well-being. This dedication paid off, resulting in authentic action scenes and a number one film in the box office. “The Lost City” sets a new benchmark in blending comedy and action, with its innovative stunt work leaving audiences on the edge of their seats.

The Lost City opened number one for Paramount Pictures and held the most downloaded movie on apple for almost two months.