Mark Wahlberg and Kevin Hart team up in this coming of adulthood comedy set in Los Angeles. This is the fifth time Mark and Mike Gunther have team up to bring action comedy to the screen. During pre-production, the team worked tirelessly to mix everyday life with the...
Film fans around the world have been patiently waiting Sony’s dark take on Morbius. With the Pandemic, many blockbuster films have been pushed back. In a recent report, Sony confirmed that “Morbius” is on track for a January 2022 release. Morbius starring Jared Leto,...
Michael Bay has returned to set directing the first feature film shot in Los Angeles since the crash of the film industry caused by the pandemic. Bay of course lined up an all-star cast and crew to help him bring this action-drama remake to life. Ambulance is a French...
Shang Chi made a splash over the weekend with the release of the second trailer. From “Insider” to “MarvelNow” fans and critics are calling the revival of the villain the Mandarin as “Our best supervillain to date.” Marvel has announced that the project is still on...
The final chapter in the Purge drops into theaters nationwide this Friday. 5150 Action and 2nd Unit Director Mike Gunther squared off with Blumhouse’s final chapter in early 2020. Due to the pandemic, this project was delayed by Universal Studios but with the rise of...