“Twisters,” the highly anticipated sequel to the iconic 1996 film “Twister,” delivers jaw-dropping action sequences that push the boundaries of natural disaster filmmaking. With cutting-edge technology and a top-notch stunt team, the film captures the sheer power and unpredictability of tornadic events that threaten to tear the screen apart.

“Twisters” is a sequence where protagonists chase a massive, rapidly intensifying tornado through open fields and small towns. Mike Gunther (2nd Unit Director) along with his stunt team meticulously orchestrates breathtaking driving maneuvers, risky evacuations, and death-defying escapes, bringing heart-pounding realism to these intense moments.

The film’s dedication to synching stunts with advanced visual effects creates an immersive, white-knuckle experience for viewers. “Twisters” masterfully combines drama, suspense, and groundbreaking stunt action with nature’s raw fury.

Twisters opened number one in the worldwide box office.